Annual Breakfast Honors Veterans and Empowers Youth

Annual Breakfast Honors Veterans and Empowers Youth

Veterans Honored Recipe: Mentoring Youth


The Veterans Honored Recipe is a call for attendees to share their experience, wisdom, and guidance with the next generation. This annual breakfast event is devoted to recognizing the contributions of veterans and encouraging them to serve as mentors for young people.


  • 1 cup of passion for helping youth
  • 2 tbsp of willingness to share your story
  • 2 cups of patience to listen to their struggles
  • 1 tsp of creativity to inspire them
  • 1 dash of humor to make them feel at ease


1. In a large bowl, mix the passion and willingness together until combined.

2. Add the patience one cup at a time, stirring until smooth.

3. Fold in the creativity and humor until fully incorporated.

4. Serve warm to any young person in need of guidance, and watch as their potential for success begins to rise.

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Read more about this topic at
Veteran-Led Youth Mentoring Program
Veterans needed to serve as youth mentors - VA News